Geïntrigeerd door boeken, lezen en auteurs legt Cathérine Petré zich de laatste jaren, naast het runnen van een boekhandel, onder meer toe op het portretteren van bewonderde schrijvers en poëten, door middel van de aquarel techniek.
U bent hartelijk welkom op de opening van deze expo op donderdag 5 december 2019 om 19.30.
Met een inleiding door Sofie Schurmans.
De werken zijn nadien nog te bezichtigen tot en met eind januari 2020.
Global Village Creartists - Victor Valqui Vidal - Draw your dream
December 2017 till ...
Kopenhagen, Denmark
Global Village Creartists - Victor Valqui Vidal - Mail Art Exhibition:
July to August 2017
Art & Sculpture Festival
Agger, Denmark
25 July 2016 - 03 August 2016
The Vituri Bastion
Crete, Greece
May 2016
The Hungarian National Museum: Esztergom Castle, Museum Rondella Gallery
Esztergom, Hungary
We are proudly inviting you to our second Mirca Art Group show in honor of Malala Yousafzai.
Opening: 24 th January, 2016.
Show is running from 24 January to 24 February, 2016
Skogåstorget 10
14230 Skogås-Huddinge
Mirca Poster Show
in recognition of
Malala Yousafzai
19 August - 24 October 2015
The internationally active group of artists Mirca Art Group recognizes Malala Yousafzai
with a poster exhibition
Approximately 40 artists from about 25 countries are exhibiting
posters at East High School in Trangsund, Sweden, starting on August 29th, 2015, as a tribute to pakistanian woman Malala Yousafzai and her fight for girls' right to
Examples of what the Mirca Art Group previously engaged in
• Improved environment (in cooperation with Friends of the
• The release of Burmese woman Aung San Suu Kyi (in collaboration
with Amnesty International.)
• The release of the previously imprisoned Chinese artist Ai
• release of the previously imprisoned Libyan artist Mohamed Bin
Mirca Art Group today consists of about 280 members and has since
its inception in 2007 organized fourteen exhibitions in countries like USA, Germany, South Africa, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands. The group has also published two
Guardian of the Edge
Visual artists respond
to Agnes Marton's poetry
06 Nov.2014-09 Jan.2015
Court of Justice
of the European Union
Great artistamps made by Mail Art friend "E" from France
January 2013
Human Rights - A Global Village Project
organised by Victor Valqui Vidal, Denmark
Wall For Peace - Travelling Art Project
12 September - 16 September 2011
Bucharest - Romania
Mirca Tour For Human Rights
art tour in the name of human rights with artwork from Mirca members.
26 July - 16 August 2011
Malta University, Malta
09 June - 28 June 2011
GC de Rietbron, Sportlaan 4B, Halen, Belgium
Wall For Peace - Travelling Art Project
Inner Peace Selfportrait
organised by Sevgi and Evrensel Ürüm
Art Exhibition for Christchurch Earthquake
Auction organised by Trina Batchelor to support victims of the Christchurch Earthquake
30 March - 30 April 2011
New Zealand
Expo Mirca Art
Emmy Verschoor and Cathérine Petré
Hotel Herberg de Waard van Ternaard
Friesland, The Netherlands
February - June 2011
Expo "tien(s)"
Students Atelier Printmaking
Academiegalerij AHBeeld
Sint-Truiden, Belgium
19 January - 28 February 2011
Gift for newlyweds city Sint-Truiden 2011
Huwelijksgeschenk voor jonggehuwden Sint-Truiden 2011
It is a tradition since 15 years the newlyweds get an original artwork created by an artist associated with AHBeeld (Academie Haspengouw).
This year Cathérine Petré was selected.
Sinds 15 jaar is het een traditie, in leven geroepen door burgemeester Ludwig Vandenhove, dat de jonggehuwden een origineel kunstwerk ontvangen gemaakt door een kunstenaar verbonden aan AHBeeld (Academie Haspengouw).
The newlyweds, mayor Ludwig Vandenhove and Cathérine Petré
Jij, ik
Ik, jij
Jij en ik
Wij samen
Op weg
Voor altijd
© Cathérine Petré
W-AFPIAAP-Wall for Peace
WALL FOR PEACE is a progressive art project, aims to bring together
Istanbul Tuyap Art Fair
30 October - 07 November 2010
Istanbul - Turkey
Project "Matchbox" organised by
Cathérine Petré + others
10 October 2010 - 2 PM - 4.30 PM
Opening STAM
Bijlokesite, Godshuizenlaan 2, Gent, Belgium
Project "Matchbox" organised by
Bert Lezy + Cathérine Petré
11 September 2010 - 7.30 PM - ...
Biestebroekkaai, Anderlecht, Belgium
Cultureel Centrum "De Bogaard"
Sequel Selection Student Triennial Istanbul
Lydia Scheelen, Joëlle Janssens, Geert Malchair, Sara Morren, Luc Balthazar, Etienne Jammaers,
Tin Mariën and Cathérine Petré
19 August - 19 September 2010
Sint-Truiden - Belgium
From left to right: Geert Malchair, Luc Balthazar, Tin Mariën, Etienne Jammaers, Lydia Scheelen, Bert Flossie, Cathérine Petré, Elie Levy, Joëlle Janssens, Bert Stippelmans
Selected for:
5th International Student Triennial-Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts
June 2010
Istanbul - Turkey
Freedom & Art Travelling exhibition - Warwick
8 May - 8 June 2010
Gallery Warwick, NY, USA
The Flag of the Love & Peace Global Village
Initiative from Victor Vidal
8 May 2010 - 16 May 2010
Roskilde, Denmark
Project "Matchbox" organised by Kunstwerk(t).
Sylvie Duhamel+Cathérine Petré
28 April 2010, 17 u - 19 u
Centraal Station Brussel, Belgium
New Publication!
Planet Earth Planet Art
A collaboration between Mirca Art Group and Bruce Rimell
On 1st March, internationally acclaimed Mirca Art Group releases its second major art book, Planet Earth Planet Art, in support of the environmental and social grassroots network Friends Of The Earth International.
Ninety-five artists present their artwork as a voice raised to bring awareness of the urgent problems of the imbalanced lifestyles and unsustainable environmental consumption we humans face, accompanied by a personal statement which brings the clarity of the artist to these problems. These artists come from a huge variety of nations and thus this book is truly a global voice, with contributions from East and West, from the developed and developing worlds.
Delightfully presented in an elegantly designed 208-page coffee-table book format, this collection of contemporary artforms ranges from the abstract to the photographic, the visionary to the spectacular, and is prefaced by a wonderful poem (quoted above) entitled Make Art, Not War from Nnimmo Bassey, the Chair of Friends Of The Earth International.
Haiti Art Fund
Auction organised by Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery
New York City
More info on
Project "Dyptich Duets"
Mirca Art - Anti-Vanity Art Party
February, 2010
Art Cafe "Artist"
Rostov-on-don, Russia
Mirca Tour For Human Rights
art tour in the name of human rights with artwork from Mirca members.
November 2009
Skogas, Sweden
Carla Lensen from the Netherlands, Cathérine Petré, curator Evrensel Ürüm, Bosmat Niron from Israel, curator Sevgi Ürüm and Pia Baechler-Lehmann from Switzerland
Mirca Action: We Turn Our Backs On Vanity Galleries
A vanity gallery is an art gallery that charges artists fees in order to exhibit their work and makes most of its money from artists rather than from sales. They are called vanity galleries because they aim at the artist's vanity.
With this postcard 19 Mirca members show what they think of vanity galleries. The design is inspired by the 1929 print including the 16 surrealists.
Project "Matchbox" organised by Kunstwerk(t).
Fia Cielen en Cathérine Petré
Z33, Hasselt
Openingsmoment op 11 juli vanaf 21 u.
12 juli t/m 7 augustus: ma gesloten, di-za van 11 - 18 u, zon van 14 - 17u
Absolutely Free Festival, Genk
8 augustus vanaf 13 u
10 t/m 14 augustus van 13 - 17 u
A project organised by HABK and 'Lions Club' to support the training of guide dogs.
More than hundred artists received a life-size polyester dog.
"LUMEN", he carries his light tower (analogy with the rescue dog who carries a brandy barrel)and guide the blind through the darkness.
All the dogs are showed on